About the Michigan Chemistry Council
Representing our members by influencing policies that promote and grow a safe, sustainable, and competitive business of chemistry in Michigan.
The Michigan Chemistry Council (MCC) was established in 1967, and has had a full-time presence in Lansing since 1989. We have a long track record in providing lawmakers and regulatory professionals with much-needed information on the science of our industry to help them in their decision-making processes on significant new policies.
We are a non-profit trade association (registered as a 501(c)(6) corporation with the state of Michigan) comprised of member companies that pay annual dues.
- Regular members are Michigan companies engaged in the manufacture, formulation, or distribution of chemicals, or that use chemicals in their manufacturing processes.
- Associate members are companies engaged in a supportive business serving the chemical industry in Michigan, such as consulting, engineering, testing, or providing environmental services. Associate members may also include a like-minded business or trade association.
- Honorary members are higher education entities involved in educating individuals in the field of chemistry, or other nonprofit organizations engaged in a cooperative relationship with the chemical industry in Michigan. Honorary members do not pay dues.
We are a member-driven organization.
Our Board of Directors is elected annually by our member companies on an annual basis, and meets quarterly to oversee the MCC's mission and operations.
Member Committees:
MCC members can also participate in any of our four standing committees, as well as special workgroups that are called on an occasional basis.
- Policy Committee: Responsible for monitoring current policy issues and directing MCC's advocacy efforts on behalf of its members.
- Communications and Outreach Committee: Responsible for leading MCC's communications and outreach efforts, and to transform thought leaders' perceptions of the business of chemistry.
- Membership Committee: Responsible for growing the MCC's membership, engaging members in MCC's activities, and planning meetings and content for MCC's membership.
What We Do:
Advocacy: The MCC is the only organization dedicated to representing the business of chemistry in Michigan. We maintain strong working relationships with members of the state legislature, executive branch, regulatory agencies, and with other partners in industry. By serving as a knowledge resource for policymakers, we often testify before legislative committees and provide comments on issues of importance for our members.
Communications: The MCC provides valuable and timely information to its members through the Friday Facts, an in-depth analysis published each week when the legislature is in session. Our communications help keep members updated and aware of issues and trends affecting us all.
Industry Liaison: The MCC works closely with groups including the American Chemistry Council (ACC) and National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD) on issues of both national and state importance. We also collaborate with other industry groups in Michigan on common issues to build coalitions that amplify our members' voices and provide greater value. Importantly, professionals from MCC member companies are often called upon to represent the industry on various state commissions, providing opportunities to interact with regulators and to be recognized within the industry.
Networking and Shared Expertise: The MCC provides a forum for members to interact with each other and to share expertise on common issues. Our regular programming enables members to not only share solutions, but to grow their own professional and personal networks.
Public Relations: As the unified voice of the industry in the state, the MCC serves to educate both policymakers and the general public on our industry's importance. We help to organize member company plant tours, regional meetings, and our well-known annual reception in Lansing, all highlighting our industry’s innovations. We also help to represent our industry in the press and on social media networks.
Are you interested in joining the MCC? We welcome and encourage new members to strengthen our work.