More About You
What are some of the products that your chemistry enables?
Pharmaceuticals, Food, Automobiles, Jet Engines, Paints, Coatings, Soaps, Detergents, and Cleaners.
What is something you want others to know about chemistry?
Almost everything we buy and use in our daily lives is made using chemistry. Chemistry makes our lives safer, cleaner, and more fun.
What led you to your current career field?
Webb is a family business. I worked here as a youth and shortly after college I started as a Territory Sales Representative. Five positions held and 27 years later, I am the CEO.
What job would you have if you weren’t doing this?
Restaurant Manager or Manager of a B&B.
What do you like most about living in Michigan or your community?
Michigan has four amazing and unique seasons and I think the friendliest neighbors in the country. Muskegon has lakes, rivers, golf courses, and more for those of us who love the outdoors.
How do you think your job will be most different in 10 years?
When I think of the core of what we do, I would say there will be very little change 10 years from now. We Strive to Serve and do so with a Positive Mental Attitude. We did that 57 years ago and we do that today. Hopefully in 10 years one of my 8 children will be in the business continuing the tradition.
Why do you work with industry groups like the MCC?
First, to learn as I am always looking to gain knowledge. Secondly, networking and connections. Lastly, to support the great work done by MCC here in the State of Michigan.
Feature Questions
Webb Chemical recently completed a project to install solar panels on five of its buildings at the company’s Muskegon Heights facility.
Why did Webb want to invest in solar generation?
We invested in solar generation because of sustainability, cost savings, and we felt it was the right thing to do and the right time to do it.
What challenges did Webb face in developing this project?
Several of our challenges with this project included who to work with, where to install the panels, working through the winter, as well as some challenges with government agencies. However, it all paid off in the end.
How will this project benefit Webb and its customers?
I believe that we are all called to act towards sustainability and to look at ways to improve our communities and the world we live in - sometimes with big actions and sometimes with smaller actions. The solar project is an action we could take that helps everyone in the long run by using what Mother Nature gives us. In addition, this project will mean savings on our energy costs, and a financially healthy Webb Chemical is a good thing for our customers and communities.
Why is sustainability important to Webb?
Being successful today should not hurt the future. You can be successful today and in the future by being smart, and being generous. We will continue to look for ways to do both.
Is there anything else you want to share about this project?
I am once again grateful for my coworkers and friends who made this project a success.